The Best Of Cherry Lipstick: #6 Why Warren Had To Go

The Dutch Go Duran was the last major print Duranzine to close (in 2006). Interestingly, the photo used in Fliss's recent CL blog listing the other 10 Duranzines in TDGD in Feb 1999 included 4 that were web-based. The future was already up and running.
After the end of Cherry Lipstick, I was fortunate to stay involved in the Duranzine world through The Dutch Go Duran. I was lucky enough to have some of my submissions accepted by Manon and Esther, and this one reads as if it stepped off the pages of CL.
I had not been impressed by the way the band had delighted in their new-found adulation. Regardless of the commercial merits of doing the reunion or the dead-end that had been reached with Warren, the whole attitude was unseemly. the white suits and big grins that accompanied another Lifetime Achievement award grated. When the music finally arrived, Astronaut did not sound like a great leap forward (or backward).
Hence this little comparator to the brave new reunion world and that which they had left behind with such glee.
I forget... how did it work out with Andy?