The Best Of Cherry Lipstick: #8 Jolly Bournemouth

Us fans are never happy. Duran never seem to play where we want, when we want or what we want. But in 2000 they yet again hit the south coast of the UK whilst avoiding the whatever nastiness lurked on the other side of the English channel. Quite right too.

Due to the lack of European dates on the Pop Trash tour, Dutch fans headed over to the UK - hence Manon's visit to the show. Manon was a key part of the Dutch Go Duran fanzine's editorial team for many years, and a regular contributor and supporter of Cherry Lipstick. And, fair play to the Bournemouth locals, as they proved why the band kept visiting!

Duran paid attention to Cherry Lipstick and did not take the Astronaut or Red Carpet Massacre tours to Bournemouth. Since December 2000, they have only been there once, in 2011.
They've played Paris twice. But not since July 2008.