The Cherry Lipstick Christmas Album

Cherry Lipstick soon celebrates its first internet Christmas with a new Duraning story, but in the 90s we marked the season with songs.
At Christmas 1998 we considered the lack of Duran Christmas song - and, indeed, 20 years later we are still waiting. To the tune of the 'new' song on Greatest, we considered how Electric Barbarella might have been re-written as a perennial Seasonal smash hit...

In 2017, John Taylor is once again the poster boy for Rio t-shirt smiles. But back in December 1997 it was a therapeutic downer-fest. With songs on his solo albums like 'Down Again', 'Don't Talk Much' and 'Lonely Child' we imagined Christmas at the Taylors was a grim affair (by John Cutcher).

And finally, at Christmas 1997 we set out the song for all Duranie carol singers to sing in the snow...